Values and objectivesHow we work and what we want to achieve
See the Values of Catalan Camping
Hospitality and community
The warm and friendly welcome to campers and the promotion of a coexistence environment among guests and the natural surroundings.
Accessibility and security
The commitment to improving accessibility in camping accesses and facilities, as well as ensuring a safe and protected environment for campers.
Quality and innovation
Customer loyalty through the maintenance of quality service and facilities, as well as through continuous improvement, adaptation to new technologies and future challenges in the sector.
Sustainability and well-being
Respect for the environment, for the natural surroundings that surround the campsites, but also for the social, economic and urbanistic aspects. At the same time, it promotes an active and healthy lifestyle that contributes to physical and emotional well-being.
FCC objectives
Representing the camping sector to administrations and public opinion.
Defending the interests of camping entrepreneurs in Catalonia at all levels.
Enhancing the presence of campsites in sector tourism bodies and entities.
Contributing to job creation and tourism development in Catalonia.
Promoting and providing tools for sector training.
Promoting the excellent tourism quality of Catalan campsites.